Tuesday 11 August 2015

Back... From Outer Space... Books and More

Hi guys... I must sincerely apologise for my absence here on the blog... I have been reading though, I've just had a little break from blogging and trying to increase my social media skills... and it's taking a lot of my time up...
If you have the inclination then please visit my Instagram account using the links on the right of the page, I've been playing a lot with book photography and I'll put some of it up here but it's all over on my IG account... if you don't wanna use the link then my handle is @Jst1MoreChapter 
Anyhoo... I'm hoping not to leave it too long before my next post this time but!...
I thought, as it's the beginning of August now I'd start back off with a July Wrapup...
The books in my picture are my book buys of the month... the ones on the left are my brand spanky new books and the ones on the right are secondhand/adopted books...
There are 23 altogether which is more than I bargained for but hey books are my passion... this obv doesn't include the ebooks I downloaded on my kindle but there are so many I can't be bothered to count em all... I know I usually put links up to Amazon but I think perhaps that's why I got a little frustrated as it usually takes me ages to do a post  I may do a separate one later with links to my book bargains for you when I have a bit more time
Anyhoo... this month I read:
 Charlie And Pearl 
 Cinder 
 The Little Android 
 Glitches 
 The Queens Army 
 Scarlet 
 Straight Talking 
 Bookends 
And I'm currently reading
Cress by Marissa Meyer    